Congratulations on your purchase! On our behalf, thank you for supporting the latest revolution in the field of the internet, an autonomous, environmentally friendly, secure and decentralized internet that everyone should be able to access easily and where your data remains yours.

With your Node(s) you make a very important contribution to the necessary growth for this internet and, due to its efficient nature, you also ensure much lower energy consumption.

We have put together and tested your product with the utmost care. If there is anything wrong, please contact us at

Warning; VBefore you start the Node for the first time, make sure that the USB Flash drive is properly inserted into the USB port. Without this Flash drive, the Node will not start correctly. Read on for more details.

 NB. HostService Nederland is solely responsible for the hardware of this Node. For questions about the software, the Grid, the technology and, for example, the rewards, we refer you to the Threefold website;


The conventional internet as it has been built so far mainly consists of large data centers with many servers. This now has some major disadvantages such as very high power consumption, difficult scalability and central locations, which means that your data is stored with other parties and in the event of a malfunction, all data such as website and storage are no longer available. Your data is also in the hands of third parties. A new infrastructure is needed to solve these problems.

The company Threefold Tech has developed a new and extremely secure software operating system for this. There is also a Threefold foundation. The goal of this foundation is idealistic and has, among other things, the wish that everyone has (cheap) access to a secure, energy-efficient, decentralized network that is easily scalable and where your data is safe and remains yours at all times.

To achieve this, it is necessary, among other things, that a distributed network of Nodes is created that is as large as possible, by so-called ‘Farmers’.



Your Node is built Plug & Play. When you purchased your Node, you provided a Farm ID with which a certified bootloader was generated that contains your Farm ID. This is a piece of software on the USB flash drive that ensures that the latest version of the ZERO OS operating system is retrieved and maintained. So you always have the latest version without having to do anything.

The BIOS of your certified Node is protected with a password to prevent settings from being changed. This Node is exclusively made suitable for use on the Threefold Grid.

Important; ombecause a certain percentage of uptime can be important for the reward paid out, it is important that you leave the USB stick on which your software and Farm ID are placed at all times. In the event of a restart (power failure), the Node will automatically start up correctly again. Never switch off the internet connection to your node!


As soon as you have connected the Node to the internet, connected the power and started the Node, the hardware of the Node is made available to the worldwide decentralized network. Your Processor(s) can be used to help create and run applications, your working memory for executing tasks and the storage space for storing data for example. USB Flash drive.

USB Flash drive

The supplied bootable USB flash drive contains the certified bootloader for the ZeroOS operating system together with your Farm ID. This Flash Drive is used to boot from, without this flash drive your Node will not boot. Certified means that Threefold has provided a signed and secured version of ZeroOS, with which you receive 25% more yield. Your BIOS is locked in such a way that it only accepts certified ZeroOS. Certified ZeroOS versions are only provided to Nodes that meet certain requirements.


This is the operating system of your Node. ZeroOS is open source, which means that anyone can create applications for it. This operating system is a Linux variant that has been made extremely secure.


The principle of making your hardware available is called ‘Farming’. For this you periodically receive so-called ‘tokens’ as appreciation. These tokens can be used in various ways, for example to make payments. For questions about this form of rewards, we refer you to the Threefold website


The reward is automatically in the form of tokens. TFT and INCA are crypto coins (tokens) created especially for this purpose. The TFT token has been released on the popular Stellar Blockchain, the INCA will be available on multiple chains and exchanges.

The reward is intended as an incentive to issue as many Nodes as possible. As the network grows, the value of this coin is expected to increase.

You can find a lot of information about how it works and the rewards on the website and on the internet.


You are invited to use the TFTs and INCAs to start using this new internet yourself. For example, you can place your website on this Grid, use your machine as a search engine (for extra revenue) or install one of the many other applications. The Threefold website and forum are good sources for finding information about applications.

Surge protection

As with other sensitive equipment such as computers, we recommend using a surge protector to prevent peak voltage that could damage your Node.


Indien u de beschikking heeft over een UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) raden If you have a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) available, we recommend connecting this Node to it. This reduces the chance of interruptions.


Your Node is equipped with sufficient cooling for optimal operation. Nevertheless, we recommend that you leave enough space around the housing for airflow. If you place the Node in a corner, leave at least 3 centimeters free on the wall sides.

Checking your 3node

To check whether your node has registered correctly, you can go to:

You can make the pop-up on your screen disappear by clicking next to it. In the menu, look for the Node Finder option: In the Node ID field, enter the number of your node, which you can find on the front of this manual, among other places.

Click on the Apply button and you will get an overview: It is important that you find the green term Up under the Status heading, which indicates that your node is ready!

Serial number

If you want to contact us about your Node, always provide your Serial Number. You can find this on the bottom of your Node.

Important; Opening the 3node for modifications can have implications for the warranty.


BIOS – Abbreviation of ‘Basic Input-Output System’. It is software with boot instructions for the computer. The BIOS is software on a chip on the motherboard of the computer that manages the basic settings.

Threefold – the company that started developing the Open Source operating system ZeroOS in 2015, with which they create a secure, decentralized peer-to-peer internet.

Threefold Grid – the ThreeFold Grid represents the most advanced and first true peer-to-peer network of compute, web and storage capacity. Individuals and organizations can already use the capacity of ThreeFold Grid to run any IT workload more efficiently, privately and sustainably.

TFT (ThreeFold Token) – the name of the cryptocurrency (token) that is provided as a reward for making your Node available. You can use it to make payments on the Grid or convert it to other (crypto) coins.

INCA (INternet CApacity Token) – the name of the cryptocurrency (token) that is provided as a reward for making your Node available. You can use it to make payments on the Grid or convert it to other (crypto) coins.


This manual has been compiled with the utmost care. The values ​​mentioned have been checked at the time of writing this manual, but we cannot prevent them from changing over time, this always remains a decision of the community of farmers, of which you are now a part.

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